
The %SimulateLcaDataset macro can assist in studying the performance of latent class analysis (LCA) models. It works in conjunction with the SAS software package (version 9.1 or higher) and PROC LCA (version 1.2.5 or higher). %SimulateLcaDataset generates a random dataset from a population assumed to be described by the LCA model with a given set of parameters.

Read about latent class analysis or latent transition analysis.

Recommended Citations

SimulateLcaDataset SAS Macro (Version 1.1.0) [Software]. (2011). University Park: The Methodology Center, Penn State.

Dziak, J. J., Lanza, S. T., & Xu, S. (2011). SimulateLcaDataset SAS macro users’ guide (Version 1.1.0). Univeristy Park: The Methodology Center, Penn State.

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