This code fits a 2-time, 5-class, latent-transition model for delinquency over time using 6 binary indicators of the latent class variable. Measurement invariance across time is imposed such that analogous item-response probabilities within classes are restricted to be equal to each other across times. This ensures the interpretations of the 5 latent classes are identical for each of the 2 times and that the latent class prevalences can be directly compared across times.
Exercise 7
This exercise asks you to fit a 2-time, 5-class, latent-transition model for delinquency using 6 binary indicators of the latent class variable. Then, it asks you to interpret all parameters in the model. The exercise continues by asking you to add a grouping variable for biological sex and a covariate for frequency of alcohol use as a predictor of time 1 latent-class membership and then as a predictor of time 1 to time 2 transitions.
Model Features
Model Category
Model Type
Indicator Type
Software Options
Measurement Invariance
Approach to Outcomes
Not Applicable

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