These models include example Stata code for an LCA plug-in created by The Methodology Center at Penn State under P50 funding (P50 DA039838 and P50 DA010075). Although it is no longer supported, it is still available for download here.

LCA: LCA with a grouping variable and without measurement variance

Description This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. It includes a grouping variable for year, and observations came from 3 different years. Measurement invariance across groups is not imposed resulting in an unrestricted latent class model with multiple groups. Software Downloads Latent Gold Mplus SAS Stata Exercise Exercise 4 This exercise asks you to add a grouping variable for year to a 4-class model for marijuana use and attitudes that uses 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. It asks you to fit a model...

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